BioNike believes in Sustainable Development and is committed to contributing to a better future.

Always driven by the principle of continuous improvement, we work every day for the well-being, first of all of the skin but also of the planet on which we live. We have decided to invest our energies to cultivate health and beauty in a conscious, responsible and high-quality way , in the belief that everyone's positive contribution can make a difference in the present and for the future of our planet.

Our Sustainability and Responsibility policy focuses in 5 main axes in which we intend to stand out as a positive engine in our economic context: respect for the environment, the valorization of women, the celebration of art, support for Research, the development of society.
We take care to constantly improve the environmental compatibility of our products throughout their life cycle with the aim of promote an increasingly regenerative economy.


We work for improve our overall environmental footprint .
We are guided by the achievement of three major objectives: the development of eco-packs , the use of renewable energy and the waste reduction.


We are committed to doing our part to build a world where women are empowered to fully express their talents and bring their full value to the world of work.

Our company is made up of 76% women and we support female empowerment projects within our work environment and our social context.


We support art in different forms, because for us art is the emotion that Pure Beauty generates.

After a process of sponsoring exhibitions, theaters and restorations, today we celebrate the Blue Butterflies as true works of art in motion as the Official Sponsor of the National Rhythmic Gymnastics Team.


We have always invested our resources in research to make it our greatest strength.

Our formulations are the result of continuous innovation and cutting-edge study of skin health and well-being from our in-house research and development laboratory.


We are convinced that to be successful in the long term, it is essential guarantee a real and lasting benefit for the entire community.

That is why we contribute to the improvement and well-being of the person and the development of our social context through training, education and awareness projects for our partners, clients and consumers.
BioNike" derives from the Greek Bio = Life and Nike = Victory and It carries within itself a great promise, that of making life win by overcoming adversity.

We want to keep this important promise through daily commitment and we are determined to do nothing less than our best to always be one step ahead, as a dermocosmetic and nutraceutical company trusted by our partners, clients and consumers and a reference for our market.

Believing that excellence is achieved through a process of continuous improvement, we feel a strong responsibility to do our part to create a tomorrow where respect for the environment, the advancement of women, the celebration of art , support for research and the development of society can be fundamental assets of our reality.

We believe in it: Together we can contribute to a better future.
For the skin. Forever.
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